KARAKITIS TAX & LAW advises corporate and individual clients on all tax aspects of investments, transactions and business operations, while being at the planning, implementation or operational stage. The firm’s advisory services are aimed at the identification and minimization of tax inefficiencies and risks. Some of the pieces of advice and follow-up support delivered include the following:
- Application of tax anti-abuse rules (General or Special Anti-Avoidance Rules);
- Impact of BEPS (the outcome of the project of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development to counter base erosion and profit shifting across borders) developments on business models;
- Assessment of permanent establishment risk exposure and management;
- Tax efficient implementation of business model restructurings;
- Executive assignments’ and business travelers’ tax and immigration law considerations;
- Thin capitalization tax deductibility restrictions;
- Tax efficient corporate restructuring design and implementation;
- Classification of expenses as operating expenses or capital expenditures;
- Available R&D and patent exploitation tax relieves;
- Investment incentives; consequences from the capitalization of tax-free reserves formed under various incentive laws;
- Testing the exposure of international operating models to the CFC (Controlled Foreign Company), corporate tax residence, permanent establishment, transfer pricing and anti-avoidance rules;
- Gap analysis of reported income Vs wealth increase – evaluation of exposure and mitigation;
- Withholding taxes and tax treaty relief;
- Tax loss carry-forward requirements;
- Write-off of bad debts;
- VAT, excise and customs suspension regimes;
- Advising on the risk effective and cash efficient VAT throughput management;
- Advising on transaction and property taxes;
- Application of special tax regimes (eg for the extractive industries, the wider shipping industry related businesses);
- Capital markets and treasury tax planning.